Tuesday 7 October 2008

Tax Credits Wonder Blunders

by Rachel.

Tax credits, do you break out in cold sweats at hearing that name? I do; tax credits was supposedly created to help the poorer families live better lives, but the simple truth is tax credits was a bribe from the labour party, a ploy to lure us into voting them into power. Tax credits was the biggest piece of cheese on a human mousetrap: Lure you in with the tasty treat, then whack they've got you.

I was, like most people, happy to apply for tax credits, I thought it would solve all our financial woes. It did help for a while, until tax credits made a jumbo sized mistake that’s costing us in the region of £7,300.00

Fighting tax credits is a stressful, hard experience. My local MP, David Laws, is helping us battle this tax credits injustice, but even his power is limited. HMRC tax credits will lie to you, withhold evidence from you and threaten you.

For instance in my case tax credits have denied knowledge of a joint claim my partner and I made in 2006. They say we did not claim jointly between April and December 2006, but I have evidence in my files which I received from the tax credits data protection unit, evidence suffice to say clearly shows we jointly claimed in May 2006.

Tax credits staff withheld this fact in all correspondences to my MP and basically we have caught tax credits out with a clear bare faced lie. HMRC simply are corrupt, money grubbing, criminals. They don't care for truth or feel sorry for their victims.

Gordon Brown supposedly created tax credits to help people, more like a temporary loan until he got his arse comfy on his ministerial throne! He may be the PM but that should stand for Prime Muppet because, folks, he's led us all a merry little dance and he's laughing and joking at our painful expense. After all he's got his nicely decorated second home and his Mercedes Benz brand new off the forecourt; we’ve got money owed to HMRC.

He gets his £100,000.00 a year wage and his perks and all the while he's laughing at us hard working class folk and ripping the arse out of us through taxes and tax credits claw backs, My advice is this: don't claim tax credits, it's not worth the stress you will no doubt get when the incompetent staff cock it up,

And if you are a victim, make your voice heard. We at Tax Credit Casualties will listen and have empathy for your woes; we are fighting for justice for all tax credits victims.

So say it out loud "NO MORE!" Say it with all your gusto. Help us fight by making your story heard. We do listen and we do care. Help us in our fight; a fight that when we win will benefit us all.



mollee said...

Nice one Rachel, not had any probs myself but know of a good few that have. Keep up the good work!! Good luck, Mollee

Anonymous said...

Well said Rachel!

I agree the more people make a fuss about this the better.

Im not sure you're right about Gordon Brown, I think the cause of the problems is human error with the official responsible for controling the pay outs, and cos they got it wrong they are getting stressed and being meaner to folks than they should.

But yes , the more folk complain about it, the quicker it will get fixed, which will help out lots of hard working families.